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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
RGCCRegulator of cell cycle
RGS12Regulator of G protein signaling 12
RGS6Regulator of G protein signaling 6
RHOJRas homolog family member J
RIMS3Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 3
RIN2Ras and Rab interactor 2
RIOX2Ribosomal oxygenase 2
RLFRearranged L-myc fusion
RNF115Ring finger protein 115
RNF125Ring finger protein 125
RNF144BRing finger protein 144B
RNF169Ring finger protein 169
RNF215Ring finger protein 215
RNFT1Ring finger protein, transmembrane 1
RPAP2RNA polymerase II associated protein 2
RPF1Ribosome production factor 1 homolog
RPF2Ribosome production factor 2 homolog
RPL10ARibosomal protein L10a
RPL13Ribosomal protein L13
RPL13ARibosomal protein L13a
RPL18Ribosomal protein L18
RPL18ARibosomal protein L18a
RPL19Ribosomal protein L19
RPL22Ribosomal protein L22
RPL22L1Ribosomal protein L22 like 1
RPL26Ribosomal protein L26
RPL26L1Ribosomal protein L26 like 1
RPL27Ribosomal protein L27
RPL29Ribosomal protein L29
RPL3Ribosomal protein L3
RPL34Ribosomal protein L34
RPL4Ribosomal protein L4
RPL5Ribosomal protein L5
RPL7Ribosomal protein L7
RPL7ARibosomal protein L7a
RPL7L1Ribosomal protein L7 like 1
RPL8Ribosomal protein L8
RPL9Ribosomal protein L9
RPP30Ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p30
RPP38Ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p38
RPS11Ribosomal protein S11
RPS17Ribosomal protein S17
RPS19BP1Ribosomal protein S19 binding protein 1
RPS25Ribosomal protein S25
RPS26Ribosomal protein S26
RPS27Ribosomal protein S27
RPS27ARibosomal protein S27a
RPS27LRibosomal protein S27 like
RPS3ARibosomal protein S3A
RPS6KA3Ribosomal protein S6 kinase A3
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