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Gene descriptioni x
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Cell typei
CCND2Cyclin D2
CCNDBP1Cyclin D1 binding protein 1
CCNE1Cyclin E1
CCNKCyclin K
CCNT1Cyclin T1
CD2BP2CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2
CD3EAPCD3e molecule associated protein
CDC20Cell division cycle 20
CDC25CCell division cycle 25C
CDC27Cell division cycle 27
CDCA5Cell division cycle associated 5
CDK12Cyclin dependent kinase 12
CDK2Cyclin dependent kinase 2
CDKL1Cyclin dependent kinase like 1
CDKN2AIPCDKN2A interacting protein
CDX2Caudal type homeobox 2
CEBPBCCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta
CELF1CUGBP Elav-like family member 1
CENPBCentromere protein B
CENPQCentromere protein Q
CENPTCentromere protein T
CFAP45Cilia and flagella associated protein 45
CGGBP1CGG triplet repeat binding protein 1
CHAMP1Chromosome alignment maintaining phosphoprotein 1
CHD2Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2
CHD4Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 4
CHD8Chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 8
CHTF8Chromosome transmission fidelity factor 8
CHTOPChromatin target of PRMT1
CIITAClass II major histocompatibility complex transactivator
CIZ1CDKN1A interacting zinc finger protein 1
CLASRPCLK4 associating serine/arginine rich protein
CLK2CDC like kinase 2
CLOCKClock circadian regulator
CMTR1Cap methyltransferase 1
CNDP2Carnosine dipeptidase 2
COL4A3BPCollagen type IV alpha 3 binding protein
COPS5COP9 signalosome subunit 5
CPSF1Cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 1
CPSF6Cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6
CREB1CAMP responsive element binding protein 1
CREBBPCREB binding protein
CRKLCRK like proto-oncogene, adaptor protein
CRTC2CREB regulated transcription coactivator 2
CRTC3CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3
CSE1LChromosome segregation 1 like
CSPG4Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 4
CSRNP1Cysteine and serine rich nuclear protein 1
CSTF1Cleavage stimulation factor subunit 1
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