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Gene descriptioni x
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Cell typei
CAMSAP1Calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein 1
CAMSAP2Calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 2
CAPSLCalcyphosine like
CCDC117Coiled-coil domain containing 117
CCDC40Coiled-coil domain containing 40
CCDC57Coiled-coil domain containing 57
CCDC66Coiled-coil domain containing 66
CCDC7Coiled-coil domain containing 7
CDC25BCell division cycle 25B
CDC42Cell division cycle 42
CDC42EP2CDC42 effector protein 2
CDC42EP4CDC42 effector protein 4
CDC6Cell division cycle 6
CDC7Cell division cycle 7
CDCA8Cell division cycle associated 8
CDH26Cadherin 26
CDK10Cyclin dependent kinase 10
CDK16Cyclin dependent kinase 16
CEACAM18Carcinoembryonic antigen related cell adhesion molecule 18
CELF2CUGBP Elav-like family member 2
CENPCCentromere protein C
CENPECentromere protein E
CENPVCentromere protein V
CEP120Centrosomal protein 120
CEP131Centrosomal protein 131
CEP170Centrosomal protein 170
CEP170BCentrosomal protein 170B
CEP55Centrosomal protein 55
CEP57Centrosomal protein 57
CEP95Centrosomal protein 95
CFAP53Cilia and flagella associated protein 53
CFAP54Cilia and flagella associated protein 54
CHAMP1Chromosome alignment maintaining phosphoprotein 1
CHFRCheckpoint with forkhead and ring finger domains
CHMP1BCharged multivesicular body protein 1B
CHMP5Charged multivesicular body protein 5
CISHCytokine inducible SH2 containing protein
CKAP2Cytoskeleton associated protein 2
CKAP2LCytoskeleton associated protein 2 like
CLIP1CAP-Gly domain containing linker protein 1
CLNS1AChloride nucleotide-sensitive channel 1A
CLSTN2Calsyntenin 2
CLTCClathrin heavy chain
COPS2COP9 signalosome subunit 2
CORO7-PAM16CORO7-PAM16 readthrough
CPEB3Cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein 3
CREG1Cellular repressor of E1A stimulated genes 1
CRY1Cryptochrome circadian regulator 1
CRYBB3Crystallin beta B3
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