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ALYREFAly/REF export factor
API5Apoptosis inhibitor 5
BAZ2ABromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2A
BCLAF1BCL2 associated transcription factor 1
BRD2Bromodomain containing 2
C12orf57Chromosome 12 open reading frame 57
CD2BP2CD2 cytoplasmic tail binding protein 2
CDC25CCell division cycle 25C
CDK12Cyclin dependent kinase 12
CHTOPChromatin target of PRMT1
CPSF6Cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6
CWC25CWC25 spliceosome associated protein homolog
DDX39BDExD-box helicase 39B
DDX42DEAD-box helicase 42
DHX15DEAH-box helicase 15
FNBP4Formin binding protein 4
HBP1HMG-box transcription factor 1
IKIK cytokine
ISY1ISY1 splicing factor homolog
ISY1-RAB43ISY1-RAB43 readthrough
LUC7L3LUC7 like 3 pre-mRNA splicing factor
NR0B1Nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 1
PASD1PAS domain containing repressor 1
PCBP1Poly(rC) binding protein 1
PLRG1Pleiotropic regulator 1
POLDIP3DNA polymerase delta interacting protein 3
PPP1R8Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 8
PQBP1Polyglutamine binding protein 1
PRCCPapillary renal cell carcinoma (translocation-associated)
PRPF19Pre-mRNA processing factor 19
PRPF4Pre-mRNA processing factor 4
RBBP6RB binding protein 6, ubiquitin ligase
RBM10RNA binding motif protein 10
RBM25RNA binding motif protein 25
SART1SART1, U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP-associated protein 1
SDE2SDE2 telomere maintenance homolog
SF3A1Splicing factor 3a subunit 1
SF3B1Splicing factor 3b subunit 1
SF3B2Splicing factor 3b subunit 2
SGK1Serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1
SONSON DNA binding protein
SREK1Splicing regulatory glutamic acid and lysine rich protein 1
SRRM1Serine and arginine repetitive matrix 1
SRRM2Serine/arginine repetitive matrix 2
SYNPO2LSynaptopodin 2 like
TAB1TGF-beta activated kinase 1 (MAP3K7) binding protein 1
THOC1THO complex 1
THRAP3Thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 3
TMEM179BTransmembrane protein 179B
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