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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
S100A7AS100 calcium binding protein A7A
CCL27C-C motif chemokine ligand 27
SERPINA12Serpin family A member 12
CLEC2AC-type lectin domain family 2 member A
LCE2DLate cornified envelope 2D
FAM25CFamily with sequence similarity 25 member C
KRT14Keratin 14
LCE5ALate cornified envelope 5A
BPIFCBPI fold containing family C
COL6A5Collagen type VI alpha 5 chain
DSC3Desmocollin 3
KRT6BKeratin 6B
NHLH2Nescient helix-loop-helix 2
FAT2FAT atypical cadherin 2
KRT16Keratin 16
KRT6AKeratin 6A
KRT78Keratin 78
LGALS7Galectin 7
LGALS7BGalectin 7B
WFDC5WAP four-disulfide core domain 5
A2ML1Alpha-2-macroglobulin like 1
ABCA12ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 12
ADRB2Adrenoceptor beta 2
ALOX12Arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase, 12S type
AQP3Aquaporin 3 (Gill blood group)
BCL11BB cell CLL/lymphoma 11B
CAPNS2Calpain small subunit 2
CBR3Carbonyl reductase 3
CD3EAPCD3e molecule associated protein
CENPPCentromere protein P
CRCT1Cysteine rich C-terminal 1
CXCL14C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14
DSG1Desmoglein 1
DSG3Desmoglein 3
EFNA3Ephrin A3
EMP2Epithelial membrane protein 2
ENDOUEndonuclease, poly(U) specific
EPHX3Epoxide hydrolase 3
EPPK1Epiplakin 1
FAM180AFamily with sequence similarity 180 member A
FAM180BFamily with sequence similarity 180 member B
FAM25AFamily with sequence similarity 25 member A
FGFBP1Fibroblast growth factor binding protein 1
FOSL1FOS like 1, AP-1 transcription factor subunit
GJB3Gap junction protein beta 3
GJB5Gap junction protein beta 5
GRHL3Grainyhead like transcription factor 3
GSDMCGasdermin C
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