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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
LGALSLGalectin like
LIPCLipase C, hepatic type
MPZL3Myelin protein zero like 3
MYT1LMyelin transcription factor 1 like
NRN1Neuritin 1
OSBPL6Oxysterol binding protein like 6
PDGFRBPlatelet derived growth factor receptor beta
PIK3R3Phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 3
PLCG1Phospholipase C gamma 1
PPAN-P2RY11PPAN-P2RY11 readthrough
PROK1Prokineticin 1
PROKR2Prokineticin receptor 2
SELPSelectin P
SLA2Src like adaptor 2
SLC16A11Solute carrier family 16 member 11
SPEF2Sperm flagellar 2
TBX21T-box 21
TMEM117Transmembrane protein 117
TMEM200ATransmembrane protein 200A
TOM1L1Target of myb1 like 1 membrane trafficking protein
TSPOAP1TSPO associated protein 1
ZNF821Zinc finger protein 821
ZPBP2Zona pellucida binding protein 2
ABCC1ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1
CD27CD27 molecule
CDK20Cyclin dependent kinase 20
CELA1Chymotrypsin like elastase family member 1
CENPMCentromere protein M
CMTM8CKLF like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 8
CXorf58Chromosome X open reading frame 58
DMTNDematin actin binding protein
EFEMP2EGF containing fibulin extracellular matrix protein 2
EFNA5Ephrin A5
ENO2Enolase 2
ERRFI1ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1
EVA1CEva-1 homolog C
FAM174BFamily with sequence similarity 174 member B
FAM186BFamily with sequence similarity 186 member B
FAM83DFamily with sequence similarity 83 member D
FBXO32F-box protein 32
GLCEGlucuronic acid epimerase
GSTM3Glutathione S-transferase mu 3
HRH1Histamine receptor H1
HSF2BPHeat shock transcription factor 2 binding protein
IL12AInterleukin 12A
ITM2AIntegral membrane protein 2A
JAM3Junctional adhesion molecule 3
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