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Genei Gene descriptioni x Evidencei x Tissuei Cell typei Pathologyi Braini Bloodi Celli
OVCH2Ovochymase 2 (gene/pseudogene)
SERPINA6Serpin family A member 6
POU3F3POU class 3 homeobox 3
SDSSerine dehydratase
ANGPTL3Angiopoietin like 3
ITIH4Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 4
GUCA2BGuanylate cyclase activator 2B
NKX2-1NK2 homeobox 1
SCGB1A1Secretoglobin family 1A member 1
TFPI2Tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2
ALPPAlkaline phosphatase, placental
SFTPBSurfactant protein B
SLC5A2Solute carrier family 5 member 2
IYDIodotyrosine deiodinase
SFTA3Surfactant associated 3
SLC26A7Solute carrier family 26 member 7
C4BPAComplement component 4 binding protein alpha
CT45A5Cancer/testis antigen family 45 member A5
IGFALSInsulin like growth factor binding protein acid labile subunit
OTCOrnithine carbamoyltransferase
REG1ARegenerating family member 1 alpha
S100A7AS100 calcium binding protein A7A
SSX1SSX family member 1
TBX10T-box 10
ZIC4Zic family member 4
CLEC19AC-type lectin domain containing 19A
CLPSL2Colipase like 2
DPCR1Diffuse panbronchiolitis critical region 1
GCGC, vitamin D binding protein
GGTLC1Gamma-glutamyltransferase light chain 1
PAX9Paired box 9
PIPOXPipecolic acid and sarcosine oxidase
TEX45Testis expressed 45
CCL27C-C motif chemokine ligand 27
CDX2Caudal type homeobox 2
CLPSL1Colipase like 1
KRTAP13-2Keratin associated protein 13-2
CHST5Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 5
CNTD1Cyclin N-terminal domain containing 1
HEPACAMHepatic and glial cell adhesion molecule
ISXIntestine specific homeobox
MAGEC1MAGE family member C1
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